Saturday, June 30, 2007

Do You Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

We all have behavioral patterns unique to us. A psychologist is the only one that can administer and interpret the MBTI (Meyers-Briggs) which profiles your personality. Even though I can administer and interpret the MBTI, as an InScape Publishing authorized distributor I prefer to use these assessment tools to clients reach their maximum potential because as a client you can take the DiSC profile on line and get back your report immediately in language everyone can understand.

There are 4 pure profiles: the D or dominant behavior wants to control his environment and everyone in it, they are active, fast-paced, assestive and bold. The I or Influencing behavior perceives his environment is a favorable way, they are accepting, people focused, receptive, and agreeable--they talk to everyone they meet and like to party. The S or Steadiness behavior pattern perceives themselves as less powerful than the environment, they are thoughtful, moderate paced, calm, and careful--they like details and tell you the page and even the line of the rules of the company. The C or Consciousness behavior pattern perceives the environment as unfavorable, they are questioning, logic focused, skeptical, and challenging--they have to be perfect in everything they do.

Our behavior patterns determine how we communicate with each other. When we understand how our behaviors influence the way we communicate, then we can learn to adjust our behaviors to adapt to the other people around us.

To learn more you can listen to my radio show Live Without Limits at To find out more about the InScape Products go to or I would love the opportunity to help you reach your maximum potential in life.

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